(c) 2023 SwiftEnvirons LLC


SwiftEnvirons reports on 2023 findings from our research and interviews with leaders in this year’s key fields:

Architecture & Design





Footwear & Community

Information, Technology & Health

With special thanks to our interviewees, we presented the first cut of findings at the Northeastern University Global Symposium, August 24, 2023.

This is the SwiftEnvirons third (and somewhat annual) survey: In 2021, we surveyed how architectural and design firms were shifting their practices and modifying their office practices, space needs and processes to align with changing markets, client needs and project delivery. In 2022, we reported on bioscience researchers and how they were evolving their practices and science in a post-pandemic world. Past scans include regional assessments of resources for Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Bio/Life Sciences research facilities.

This 2023 research and interviews broadens and focuses at once – we talk to specific leaders in design, sustainability, energy, light, air, community and technology. 2023 has been an intriguing year to embark on this conversation in so many ways. The images below touch on the process and following reports will be specific to individual conversations as they share their perspective on leadership, innovation and sustainability. We will conclude the series with findings and observations. Please enjoy the insightful discussion.


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